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new change.

Goodbye 2018.

There's always a lot of talk on change, transition, growth, and other resolutions every time we come to the end of each year. This year I'm going to focus on things that I've never learned or experienced before. I personally believe that focusing on changing yourself mainly brings disappointment, depression, and even anxiety while on the contrary, thinking of new things to experience brings an overall excitement and something to look forward to. Don't let me fool you, I still have goals on where I want to go with my current lifestyle and certain things that I want to change but the majority of my focus is directed on new things that I've never done or experienced before and I want to list the top 2 that come to mind for 2019.


What a beautiful thing that's completely overlooked. You know that moment when you're in your room or on a drive and you listen to a new song that's so good to the point where it runs through your body and hits every emotion that you have? That's poetry to me. I've only had the opportunity to read a few examples but from those few experiences and from what I've seen first hand with friends close to me, poetry is moving and can impact one's life in the most positive way. I'm turning to poetry this year for a couple different reasons. Life is hard and I don't care how cliche that statement is, everyone can agree with that. Whether it's relationships, work, mental illnesses, personal confidence, etc. life comes at you quick and punches you in the face when you least expect it and the crazy thing is that we're ALL going through certain hell from time to time, so please don't feel alone in how tough any certain day can be. I have hopes that poetry will provide me an escape when I need it most. Though there are plenty of other things that people use to "get away," I feel as if poetry will allow me to escape while connecting with myself in ways that I've never done before.

Solo Vacation.

Going on a vacation by myself reminds me of the feeling of going to a movie by myself. There are so many movies I want to see each and every month and I feel like for some reason that I need to go to a movie with at least one other person when in reality I should just go see the movie I really want to see, when I want to even if that means going alone. I've never traveled alone. I don't want to travel alone just to say that I've gone on a vacation by myself, but similar to moving out of your home that you grew up in or living in a different city, state, or country I feel like the opportunity to learn more about myself is so readily available and I don't want to keep pushing that opportunity to the side for "next time" or "next year." When I lived in Europe for 2 years I came to understand the differences between life in two countries but also the difference in who I was around my family and friends, and who I was with people I didn't know.


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