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Do you ever feel like you're running in the right direction in life just to realize that you're running circles in one place?

I take into consideration the diversity of situations each one of us are currently in and the directions each one of us are headed; we're all different. No matter how similar we may be as people whether it's taste in music, fashion, hobbies, religious background, sports etc... we're all extremely different and unique in our own way. Over the summer I've started reading again (which I never thought I would), following inspirational/successful leaders and speakers and learning about topics that I never would have imagined learning about, but something that I've learned over the summer is one unique thing that we all have in common.

We lie to ourselves the most.

This starts with me, and I'll be completely vulnerable with you. If I ask myself, "What do I want to do with my life right now?" I'd say I want to start my own business and progress in life in ways that I've never grown before. I want to beat the odds that state you have to be a certain age with a college degree to find success or happiness in life. Unfortunately, I'm lying to myself. If I 100% want that for my life, if I want to start my own business I would take every chance I can to make it happen, EVERY chance. That means early mornings and late nights, messaging entrepreneurs and business owners around me, seek advice over Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, etc... apply what I learn to put into practice for practical reality, market the hell out of what I want to do, be myself but take the chances to step outside of my comfort zone each and every day, and so much more. In short this means stop making excuses. It's so easy to work an 8 hour day, feel exhausted, and decide to go home. Let's be honest, most of us, if not all of us do this. What happens though if you stay 3 hours to work on a project, or meet up directly with a partner who's invested with you, or commute to a seminar/meet-up event, or reach out to take pictures of someone for free, or walk into stores requesting to share your idea with their manager? Taking an opportunity to step outside of your "average" schedule even when you don't want to will allow you to avoid holding yourself back another 3 weeks, 3 months, or even 3 years from achieving your goal.

We all want something SO bad, or want to become someone SO bad, that's the honest truth. While reading How to Win Friends and Influence People I've learned that the number one desire for each and every one of us is to feel important. Whether you play collegiate sports, take pictures, write music, have a podcast, sell clothes, model for companies, work a day job, no matter what you do, you want to feel important, and that's human nature. But who says you can't feel important? Why do we feel like someone has to say something or acknowledge us in some way in order to feel that type of recognition? Are we not proud of who we are unless we receive validation from others? If only we knew the genuine desire others have for each one of us to find happiness and contentment in ourselves even if they don't express it.

Am I the only one who may be unbalanced in one area in life and then assume that I'm completely unbalanced as a person just because of that one area? Yes, we may lie to ourselves more than we lie to anyone else but just because you may have had an unhealthy breakfast doesn't mean that you can't eat a healthy lunch and dinner. One aspect in your life that may be faulty, or may need a touch up should not dictate the way you view yourself as an overall person. You're more balanced than you think, and this is something I have to constantly tell myself. Whether you have the heaviest debts to pay off, weight to lose, past experiences to move forward from, a low paying job, difficulty getting along with others, or difficulty expressing opinions, it doesn't matter. Find contentment in who you are, realize that you can't change what you want to in one day, and take a step in the dark to walk outside of who you currently are and avoid making excuses to get yourself where you truly want to be.


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