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Am I the only one who gets caught up in the moment? I feel like it's almost a given that whatever circumstance you're in, no matter what you think you deserve and what you don't deserve, every experience can be turned into something that can build towards the future that you truly want for yourself. I'm sitting here worrying day in and day whether I'm doing enough or not with the time I have at work and after work, whether I'm doing enough for Madison, my friends, my family, and whether I'm doing enough for me.

This will kill you.

I've come to my own conclusion that all of the stress and worry that we put on our shoulders with how much we're doing and accomplishing in life comes from the comparison we make with specific people that we know in our lives, whether we love them or not. That's a recipe for failure. Think about it, every minute of my life since as far back as I can remember is entirely different than yours. Yes, there's a lot of similarities, we may both have the same amount of siblings or we may have been born on the same day or have the same color eyes, but that doesn't change the fact that every experience that I've had with my parents, my siblings, my friends, and others around me has been completely different than yours. We don't feel the exact same way, we don't stress the exact same way, we don't laugh or cry over the exact same things, so I realized that I should never stress over what someone else is experiencing or achieving that I'm not. I think it's awesome that certain people have worked harder than anyone can see to be put in a position where others can see them on a platform, but that doesn't mean that their platform is easy to achieve, or quite frankly even possible to achieve because their true goals are completely different than yours.

I look at NBA players, actors, inventors, entrepreneurs, and others and of course I admire the kind of trends they're creating, the kind of freedom they have in the financial world, and the kind of impact that they're making on the younger generation but why do I get in my head stressing over the fact that I'm not where they're at? I'm 21 years old, and I have an INCREDIBLE life. Please, I sincerely ask you to think about how blessed you are to have a home of some kind, daily hydration whenever you're thirsty, food whenever you're hungry, this phone or computer to read this blog, the job you have, the chance you have to attend college and gain something out of additional education, people around you who root for you and deeply care about you, the resources and connections to move forward in life, and so so much more. Words in a blog will never be able to explain how amazing life truly is. We have bad days, don't get me wrong. We get in our heads, but for what reason? We see where others are and want to prove that we're somewhere better, or that we earn more, or that we're happier when in reality we should be happy with where we're at and take responsibility and accountability to take ourselves where we truly want to go. We can't rely on anyone else, we can't rely on a motivational video or a blogger with millions of followers. We can't replicate someone else's life to find satisfaction in our own. As the quote states on my friend's computer,

"I make my own luck."

Have you heard of the law of attraction? In short, you get what you give, or in other words if you think positively you'll come across more positive experiences. If you want to become an entrepreneur, do it. If you want to become an instagram blogger, do it. If you want to become a writer, do it. Whatever you want to do, you need to act on it instead of think about it, watch videos on it, watch others do it, etc... Creativity is an idea. Innovation is an idea put into action. I don't write these blog posts to tell you that I have it all figured out, but rather I write these blog posts to help myself figure out where I want to be. Do you and be proud of you because in this life, you're the only one experiencing you.


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